Application Monitoring with New Relic and Jaeger: Gaining Deep Insights for Enhanced Performance and Troubleshooting

In the fast-paced world of software development, monitoring and optimizing application performance are crucial for delivering a seamless user experience. New Relic and Jaeger are two powerful tools that provide comprehensive application monitoring and distributed tracing capabilities. In this article, we will explore the concept of application monitoring using New Relic and Jaeger and understand how they work together to provide deep insights for enhanced performance and troubleshooting.

What is New Relic?

New Relic is a leading application performance monitoring (APM) tool that helps developers and operations teams gain real-time insights into the performance of their applications and infrastructure. With New Relic, organizations can monitor the entire application stack, from end-user interactions to back-end services, and proactively identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.

Key Features of New Relic:

  1. Real-time Application Monitoring: New Relic provides real-time monitoring of applications, enabling users to visualize and analyze application performance metrics, error rates, and transaction traces.

  2. End-user Experience Monitoring: New Relic offers end-user experience monitoring, allowing organizations to understand how users interact with their applications and identify areas for improvement.

  3. Infrastructure Monitoring: New Relic provides infrastructure monitoring capabilities, helping teams track server performance, resource utilization, and capacity planning.

  4. Alerting and Incident Management: New Relic enables the setup of custom alerts based on predefined thresholds, ensuring that teams are notified of performance issues in real time.

What is Jaeger?

Jaeger is an open-source distributed tracing system that enables developers to monitor and troubleshoot complex microservices architectures. Developed by Uber Technologies, Jaeger provides end-to-end tracing of requests across multiple microservices, allowing teams to understand the flow of requests and identify bottlenecks.

Key Features of Jaeger:

  1. Distributed Tracing: Jaeger collects and traces requests as they traverse through various microservices, providing insights into the entire transaction flow.

  2. Performance Profiling: Jaeger helps developers profile the performance of individual services, identify latency issues, and optimize performance.

  3. Root Cause Analysis: With Jaeger, teams can perform root cause analysis of performance issues, track down problematic services, and optimize service-to-service communication.

  4. Integration with OpenTracing: Jaeger is built on the OpenTracing standard, making it compatible with other OpenTracing-compliant libraries and tools.

Application Monitoring with New Relic and Jaeger

  1. End-to-End Application Monitoring: New Relic provides overall application performance monitoring, while Jaeger provides detailed distributed tracing, enabling developers to gain a complete view of application performance.

  2. Troubleshooting Microservices: Jaeger's distributed tracing capabilities are particularly valuable for troubleshooting microservices architectures, as it helps pinpoint issues across complex service interactions.

  3. Real-time Alerts and Incident Management: New Relic's alerting features ensure that teams are promptly notified of application performance issues, while Jaeger's distributed tracing helps narrow down the problematic service or component.

  4. Comprehensive Performance Optimization: By combining New Relic's application monitoring and infrastructure monitoring with Jaeger's distributed tracing, organizations can gain comprehensive insights into application performance and optimize both individual services and the overall system.


Application monitoring is a critical aspect of modern software development and operations. New Relic and Jaeger are powerful tools that complement each other to provide deep insights into application performance and distributed tracing. With New Relic's real-time application monitoring and infrastructure insights and Jaeger's distributed tracing capabilities, organizations can proactively identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, troubleshoot complex microservices interactions, and optimize the overall application performance. Embracing the combination of New Relic and Jaeger empowers development and operations teams to deliver a seamless user experience, improve application performance, and ensure the success of their digital services in today's competitive and dynamic technology landscape.